course description
Description taken from Ursinus College literature:
MCS 210: Television Studio Production, Ursinus College (4 credits)
An overview of the principles and techniques of studio television production. Emphasis is placed on the translation of ideas into a visual format, program conceptualization, preproduction planning, script writing and critical analysis of the visual image, group work and peer review of programs. Program content will focus on non-fiction formats including broadcast journalism, public affairs and public service programming. Three hours of lecture and two hours of lab per week. Four semester hours.
MCS 210: Television Studio Production, Ursinus College (4 credits)
An overview of the principles and techniques of studio television production. Emphasis is placed on the translation of ideas into a visual format, program conceptualization, preproduction planning, script writing and critical analysis of the visual image, group work and peer review of programs. Program content will focus on non-fiction formats including broadcast journalism, public affairs and public service programming. Three hours of lecture and two hours of lab per week. Four semester hours.