course description
Description taken from Pine Manor College literature:
CO 285: Children and the Media, Pine Manor College (4 credits)
Research findings, industry practices and content of children's media are examined to determine their impact on children. Students examine how media designed for adults affect children. The focus is on videotapes, cable and broadcast television and film as the largest producers in the children's media. Audio recording and children's magazines - fast-growing segments in the children's media marketplace - are also considered. Students read, listen, view and discuss children's media; develop content analysis skills; and write about the issues.
CO 285: Children and the Media, Pine Manor College (4 credits)
Research findings, industry practices and content of children's media are examined to determine their impact on children. Students examine how media designed for adults affect children. The focus is on videotapes, cable and broadcast television and film as the largest producers in the children's media. Audio recording and children's magazines - fast-growing segments in the children's media marketplace - are also considered. Students read, listen, view and discuss children's media; develop content analysis skills; and write about the issues.