b.a. coursework
Coursework taken at Ursinus College for Bachelor of Arts degree, Double Major: English and Communication Arts, Minor: German
G.P.A.: 3.78 on a 4.0 scale (see transcript)
Communication Arts major
English major
German minor
G.P.A.: 3.78 on a 4.0 scale (see transcript)
Communication Arts major
- Introduction to Mass Media
- Public Speaking
- Argumentation
- Journalism
- Interpersonal Communication
- Seminar in Mass Communication
- TV Production I: Studio Production
- TV Production II: Electronic Field Production
- Communication Theory & Research
- Topics in Communication: International Communication
English major
- Shakespeare & His Contemporaries I
- Shakespeare & His Contemporaries II
- 17th & 18th Century English Literature
- Romantic & Victorian Literature
- 20th Century English Literature
- 20th Century American Literature
- Literary Criticism
- Senior Seminar in Poetry
German minor
- Intermediate German II
- Conversation & Composition I
- Conversation & Composition II
- German Literature I
- German Literature II
- Summer Study Abroad in Tübingen, Germany
- Principles of Biology
- General Physics I
- General Physics I Lab
- Computer Science I
- Calculus II
- Introduction to Education
- Introduction to Sociology
- Introduction to Psychology
- Introduction to Economics
- Liberal Studies Seminar: Genius & Greatness
- Philosophy 101
- Philosophy 102
- Physical Fitness
- Golf, Archery & Bowling
- CPR & First Aid
- Leadership & Adventure Activities
- Windows
- Word